What I’ve Been Drinking & Do Detox Teas Work?

What I’ve Been Drinking & Do Detox Teas Work?

I recently decided to take a break from coffee and other sources of caffeine. I was inspired by a post on facebook from a friend of mine about how he cut chocolate out of his life a month or so back. I know…terrible right? He did it on a whim because he thought the...
Can Blue Light Make You Sick?

Can Blue Light Make You Sick?

One of the most overlooked health risks in today’s world is chronic exposure to blue light. This can lead to diabetes, obesity, depression and other modern day diseases. Blue light actually looks white to the naked eye. It is emitted from screens on smartphones,...
The Wisdom of Star Wars

The Wisdom of Star Wars

As a tribute to May the 4th Be With You and all of my geeky Star Wars friends I wanted to share a quick post on the wisdom of Star Wars. First off, Star Wars holds a special place in my heart. It is one of the first movies that I remember seeing in the theatre as a...

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