Breaking Bad – Habits

Breaking Bad – Habits

Have you ever consciously started a bad habit? Of course not. No one picks up their first cigarette thinking I want to be addicted, smell, have horrible breath, and possibly die of lung cancer.  It’s usually about fitting in, being rebellious, or trying to impress...

Sensible Sun Exposure

It’s that time of year when the weather is getting nice and hopefully you’re spending more time outdoors. In the video below I share a few thoughts on sensible sun exposure and the many benefits of adding sunshine to your life..

Swimming in 32F Water for a Great Cause

I recently did the Polar Plunge to raise money for the Special Olympics. I had 2 goals and I met one of them. My first goal was to raise $1,000 for the Special Olympics and I raised 83% of that. My second goal was to stay in the water for 5 minutes and I exceeded it...